Marjournal Notes

Monday, January 13, 2020


Days right now are gray, dark, gloomy and I feel somewhat the same in my spirit : Not much energy, blah, not wanting to do anything.  As I beseech the Lord for help to overcome this gloominess God actually reminded me of one verse: Psalm 118:24 -
This is the day that The Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
This verse was shown to me by my Mother in law/love.  She used to remind her children of it when she got them up in the morning.

As I pick the verse apart I see 1. A true statement to acknowledge and be conscious of and 2. A decision to act according to the statement.  You could say it points out God’s will and what my will should be.

It is God’s will for the weather and events of this day to be as they are - it is the day HE made.  The Psalmist made a willing choice to rejoice and to be happy about it.

Likewise I can acknowledge that this day is God’s determination- He chose what it is and will be.  And I can choose how I will be during this day.  Will I point my thoughts to the gloominess of it, (and it already has brought sad news) or will I rejoice in the goodness of it.  I am soooo blessed by so many things and people in my life.  I know I am going to Heaven because God sent His only begotten Son to die for me.  If today is the worst day of my life I can choose to rejoice.  That can be a hard choice but it IS a choice.  Note the verb in the second part of the verse: will.  I hope this is not the worst day of my life but I ask God to help me with my choice to obey the teaching of the verse; rejoice and be glad in it.  I also know that God will help me to have the attitude of rejoicing and gladness.  I am uplifted by this promise:
Isaiah 35;10 - And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.
And another promise says in John 16:22 - And ye now therefore have sorrow:  but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you.

Yes it is gray and gloomy today with clouds in the sky but it IS the day The Lord has made. I know sunny days will come and more gloomy ones.  I also know a glad eternity is promised to me.  For today I will rejoice in this day God has made.


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