Marjournal Notes

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hang It Ups

I just wanted to write today about HANGERS. I was hanging up some hangers this morning in the laundry room. They would NOT hang up. I kept getting something that stopped me from getting them over the rod to hang. One very quick glance told me that ONE hanger was turned the other way from the rest. Everytime I thought I was going to manage to hook the hangers over the rod that one hanger stopped me. I quickly turned it around hung the hangers up and went on my merry way. Who'd a thunk there was a lesson in THAT?

There is a lesson in that! The Bible talks about if there is one schiszm in the body that it affects the whole body. God designed people's bodies, minds and hearts to all work together. If we have something turned the wrong way in our life then like the simple group of hangers we can not do our job properly. One fork, sticking up out of place, in a drawer jams the whole drawer. One scratch on a person's glasses makes seeing quite miserable. One hangnail drives us all nuts. Such little things - why do they matter?

Another scripture says that if a person knows to do right and does not do it to him that is sin. With the hangers, once I saw one hanger was out of place I turned it around and all was well. I got to thinking that maybe there were difficulties in my life that were the results of some small thing being out of place and messing up a whole bunch of others. For example, I struggle with weight issues. But the weight causes other problems. Yes at my age losing weight will not solve all my problems but there are some specific ones that could be helped by choosing to do right at various savory moments.

Fixing little things is not always as easy as turning a hanger around or placing the fork correctly or snipping off the hangnail. Even making the right choice in food is not always easy. But there are some things that could be rememdied as quickly as turning the hanger around. The one I thought of today was reading my Bible. How much better would everything work in my life in and read my Bible with more regularity. How much better if I gave heed to God's Word than to my feelings and supposed intellect.

It is very true that there are many big problems that are not easy to fix. If my laundry rack in the laundry room fell down from the wall that would be a big problem. If my laundry tub overflows it goes seeping through to the basement right where Dave and I each have our offices.
I have to keep a constant vigil that nothing is left in the laundry tub and that the lint trap from the hose is working. A little thing to avoid a big one.

Whatever my problems I have to pay attention and do things the right way. What things must I turn around? What things must I pay attention to? How would my changes affect those I love? Could I help someone I love better if I turned around something in my life? Could I be a better channel for God if I cleared out the blockage?

My laundry is waiting and dishes I neglected last night so I have some good things to think about while I do these tasks.


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